How to Apply 2018-2019
STEP 1 |
Open Evenings Monday 26 June 2017, 18:00-20:00 Open Mornings (by appointment only)
STEP 2 |
Closing date for application forms for Aptitude Test (Specialist places) to be returned to Ashcroft Technology Academy by: Friday 15 September 2017 |
STEP 3 |
STEP 4 |
STEP 5 |
STEP 6 |
STEP 7 |
Please note the start date for Year 7 is Wednesday 29 August and Years 8 to 11, Thursday 30 August 2018
Year 6 – 7 Transfer
The Common Application Form (CAF) for a Year 7 place in August 2018 must be received by the Local Authority by 31 October 2017. However, parents are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible so that their application can be checked and acknowledged before the final closing date. All parents or carers who require a place in this Academy must apply by this date, even if their child has an older sibling attending the Academy. Parents and carers of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) must apply via the Primary School SENCO or Special Educational Needs Department.
Parents and carers may also apply online for a Year 7 place in August 2018 at All applicants should read the oversubscription criteria in the Academy prospectus, on the website and in the Wandsworth Council booklet ‘Choose a Wandsworth Secondary School'.
Applications for the optional Aptitude Test must be received by the Academy by Friday 15 September 2017. The form is available for download from the Academy’s website, the Wandsworth website below; at the Academy Open Evening/Morning sessions and in the ‘Choose a Wandsworth Secondary School’ brochure. Forms received after the closing date will not be considered.
The Academy will issue the results of the Aptitude Test on or by Friday 13 October 2017. The results of the Wandsworth Year 6 Test will be provided to parents ahead of the application closing date. The Local Authority will post the outcome of the application on 1 March 2018 or the first working day after this date.
In Year Transfers
In year Applications for the 2018-2019 can be submitted from mid June 2017. Parents and carers who wish to apply for a place at the Academy for any age group (except the sixth form) must complete the In Year Application Form provided by Wandsworth Council. The form is also available from the Wandsworth website using the link below and must be returned to Wandsworth Council which will send confirmation of whether or not a place can be offered.
Residents of the borough of Wandsworth can obtain a form and details of the admissions procedure from:
Pupil Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU
Tel: 020 8871 7316
If your child currently attends a Wandsworth school an In Year Transfer form must be obtained from your child’s school and signed by the Head Teacher or relevant member of staff.
Those not living in the Borough of Wandsworth must contact their own Local Authority for a form and the procedure.