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Ashcroft Technology Academy

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Examinations Results 2024

Department for Education Performance Tables

Our former Year 11 students achieved excellent GCSE results this summer. 52% of all grades were awarded at grades 7,8 & 9 with 87% achieving a grade 4 or better in both English Language and Maths. It is always rewarding for the staff who support our young people through their education path, and never more so when that path ends at such a high level of achievement. These results are the culmination of thousands of hours of revision, teaching, support and drive. 

Only the week before we saw equally impressive results from our former Year 13 students. Students taking all programmes of study in the Sixth Form performed significantly above local and national statistics. We are particularly pleased with the number of top grades: 93% of all grades were awarded at A*-C whilst 46% of all grades were awarded at A*-A. This year our students will be pursuing their degrees at prestigious establishments such as the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, and for highly competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences.

Lastly, students studying the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme achieved exceptional examination result in July. With 94% of grades achieved at a 5, 6 or 7 (where 7 is the maximum possible), the average points score per student of 38 out of 45 has resulted in the Academy being named as the Sunday Times International Baccalaureate State School of the Year.

Please click this link to view the Academy Summer 2025 exams schedule, including all externally assessed components for GCSE, AS, A2 and IBDP exams.

Before the start of the exams, students will be issued with an individual timetable. Students must follow their individual timetable where there are deviations from the Academy Summer 2025 exam schedule. This schedule is subject to change and should not relied upon by students once their individual schedule has been issued.

Summer Exams Timetable 2025